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2017 Blog Archives

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December (8)

Shades of Pemberley

Christmas tranquility and tedium at Mansfield Park

Christmas comes early for Janeites

Jane Austen, flyin' high

Another Austen anniversary

On this day in 1815. . .

Golden fiver on the block

Good news (at last!) for Chawton House


November (9)

Provender, Austen and the tsar

Wanted: Lettuce

Pie and prejudice

On this day in 1814. . .

Austen in Austenistan

Cataloging the garden

Book talk in Manalapan

Surveying the landscape

Another stop on the JaneTour


October (9)

On this day in 1815. . .

Herding sheep

Jane Austen passes Go

The wild and wanton Jane Austen

Men who won't take no for an answer

P&P game-playing

Serial-number currency

Teatime in Hampshire

SOS for Chawton's horses


September (8)

Bye-bye to benches

On this day in 1813. . .

The factory at work

Chawton Kremlinology

At last: The Austen tenner

Portable Pemberley

Goodbye to Chawton's horses

Haute couture juvenilia


August (9)

The day is come

A bit of a quiz

Benefits for Basingstoke

The bicentenary lives on

More Austen therapy

Remaking an icon

Puppies and prejudice

Another option for Janeite game night

Complaining with Jane


July (11)



Jane Austen lives!

The Austen ice bucket challenge

Six books

And also this. . .

Such art as hers

Better late than never

All the famous ladies

Austen laurels

On this day in 1813. . .


June (9)

Celebrity opinions

Coins and benches

Scarlets fever

Darcy in D.C.

On this day in 1808. . .

A goodbye

Brokeback Pemberley

Déjà vu all over again

A rose is a rose


May (9)

Holiday break in Austen country

Longbourn for sale

On this day in 1817. . .

Tragic forty-one

Sometimes folly is folly

Stealing Home?

Book covers

Jane Austen meets Texas debs

Jane lies in Winchester


April (8)

Refighting the winning battle

Debuting the Austen tenner

A fiver to Bath

Bicentenary envy

Signing for Jane

Austen in toe shoes

On this day in 1817. . .

Tending the Austen flame


March (9)

Jane meets Agatha

Jane Austen, trumped

Weaving Austen-fabric

Austen comic books 2.0

Austen's eyes

On this day in 1817. . .

On the trail of great writers

Austen en français

Floor-to-ceiling Austen


February (8)

Context is everything

And another one bites the dust

Distinguishing marks

More pictures of Fanny

Dweeby Darcy

On this day in 1807. . . 

Money money money

Pictures of Fanny


January (9)

Ready for our closeup

Rabbie and Jane

Bronzing Austen

Austen by ear

Light a candle for Jane

Jane Austen, citizen of the world (Part II)

On this day in 1796. . .

Two down. . .

A whirlwind new year for Janeites


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