The Austen Catch-Up Project: The Jane Austen Cookbook
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Journalist and author
The Line of Thought
. . . to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream.
--Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own
England is a wonderful country. Its history is rich, its democracy is a model for the world, its literature is second to none. Its food...
Deborah Yaffe
- Nov 28, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Marrying Mr. Darcy
In Jane Austen’s novels, the quest for a suitable marriage partner is serious business. By law, Regency women surrendered most of their...
Deborah Yaffe
- Oct 24, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Jocelyn Harris
When Jane Austen described her work as “the little bit (two inches wide) of Ivory on which I work with so fine a Brush, as produces...
Deborah Yaffe
- Sep 29, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Sarah Emsley
Perhaps because Jane Austen’s writing feels so fresh and modern, it’s tempting to imagine her as a contemporary who shares our...
Deborah Yaffe
- Aug 11, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Collins Hemingway
Jane Austen fanfiction is a female-dominated field. That’s not surprising: Twenty-first-century Austen fandom is heavily female, and many...
Deborah Yaffe
- Jul 28, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Jane Juska
Let us stipulate that Mrs. Bennet draws the short straw. Her clever, ironic husband treats her with thinly disguised disrespect. Her...
Deborah Yaffe
- Jun 30, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Jenny Uglow
The classics are timeless, we are told. Their freshness has no sell-by date; their concerns seem as urgent in our times as in the times...
Deborah Yaffe
- May 30, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Roy and Lesley Adkins
The 2007 movie of Karen Joy Fowler’s novel The Jane Austen Book Club opens with a montage designed to evoke the noise, stress and...
Deborah Yaffe
- Apr 18, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: John Halperin
Work on Jane Austen, whether biography or literary criticism, arrays itself along a spectrum whose poles might be labeled Jolly Jane and...
Deborah Yaffe
- Mar 31, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Elizabeth Jenkins
For someone who led such a short, uneventful life, and one about which comparatively little is known, Jane Austen has inspired a...
Deborah Yaffe
- Feb 29, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: As If!
I love Clueless. Doesn’t everyone? Last summer marked the twentieth anniversary of the film’s release, and the milestone inspired a slew...
Deborah Yaffe
- Jan 28, 2016
The Austen Catch-Up Project: Austentatious
In 1913, Sybil G. Brinton, the thirty-eight-year-old daughter of a wealthy carpet manufacturer from Worcestershire, England, published...
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