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Journalist and author
The Line of Thought
. . . to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream.
--Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

Deborah Yaffe
Oct 18, 2020
Taking Pride
The past eighteen months have brought us a couple of made-for-the-small-screen Jane Austen spinoffs: the Lifetime movie Pride and...

Deborah Yaffe
Jul 9, 2020
Festival weekend
Just a reminder that this weekend will be an exciting one for Janeites: the online version of the popular Jane Austen Festival–held, in...

Deborah Yaffe
Jun 24, 2020
Online Austen everywhere
A month or two ago, there was no joy in Austenland, as, one by one, treasured Jane Austen events fell victim to coronavirus cancelation....

Deborah Yaffe
Aug 14, 2019
Thirteen years ago, when PBS’ Masterpiece Theatre aired a new adaptation of Jane Eyre, the network offered viewers a chance to buy...

Deborah Yaffe
Jul 17, 2019
Subcontinental Austen
South Asians never seem to tire of Jane Austen. We’ve had an Indian TV show based on Sense and Sensibility. We’ve screened cinematic...

Deborah Yaffe
Mar 20, 2019
Jane Austen Purim
Today is Purim, the Jewish version of Mardi Gras, on which we eat a big meal, dress in silly costumes, read the Biblical book of Esther,...

Deborah Yaffe
Dec 10, 2018
P&P: Multicultural
Jane Austen’s mature work features only one character of color: the teenaged West Indian heiress Miss Lambe, “half mulatto, chilly and...

Deborah Yaffe
Nov 26, 2018
Mistletoe, yes; pride and prejudice, no
Last summer, when I learned that the Hallmark Channel would celebrate Christmas by broadcasting a movie based on a Jane Austen fanfic...

Deborah Yaffe
Oct 31, 2018
Never too much Jane
Sometimes it feels as if only die-hard Janeites are still thinking about Jane Austen. And other times – like these past few weeks --...

Deborah Yaffe
Sep 2, 2018
Still trending
Only two months ago, I announced that second-order Austen adaptations -- adaptations of adaptations of Austen novels -- were now...

Deborah Yaffe
Mar 21, 2018
No JAFF for this famous Janeite
For generations of teenagers, including me, reading the young-adult novels of S.E. Hinton – classics like The Outsiders and That Was...

Deborah Yaffe
Feb 12, 2018
Jane Austen in the age of the selfie
Long, long ago – wait, was it only 2009? – a clever young man named Seth Grahame-Smith interpolated zombie references into the text of...
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