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Writer's pictureDeborah Yaffe

Among the Janeites at the Eudora Welty Library

My next book talk will take place this coming Sunday, September 20, from 2-4 pm in Jackson, MS: I’ll be speaking to the Mississippi branch of the Jane Austen Society of North America. A reception will follow the talk, and of course I’m always thrilled to sign Among the Janeites for anyone kind enough to buy a copy. The talk will be held at the Eudora Welty Library, 300 North State Street in Jackson. Let us just contemplate for a moment the delightfulness of a library named after a writer, rather than after someone who gave a bunch of money to build it. (Although I hasten to add that I’m all in favor of people who have a bunch of money using it to build libraries.) All the details are on the Events page of my website. The local paper in Jackson also ran a story about the event and its host, the Mississippi JASNA chapter. If you plan to be in Jackson on Sunday, please drop by!


Sep 17 2015 08:08PM by A. Marie

Given the timing of this visit, you may be in a special position to lift spirits in MS this weekend. Please give all my best to anyone who may be attending from Delta State.

Sep 19 2015 02:19AM by Deborah Yaffe

Will do, Marie -- it was indeed a terrible week in Mississippi.

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