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Writer's pictureDeborah Yaffe

Montreal ahoy!

By the time you read this, I’ll be on my way to Montreal, for this year’s JASNA AGM. Although I’ve attended the last five AGMs (plus two in the twenty-six years before that), the thrill of hanging out with fellow Janeites for a weekend’s wallowing in our shared enthusiasm never wears off.

I’m especially excited to attend an AGM about Mansfield Park – although JASNA has done the book on three previous occasions, I’ve missed all those meetings. Mansfield Park is so controversial that an entire session has been scheduled on “The Fanny Wars” – the love-hate relationship that Janeites have with the book’s heroine. (Mousy or powerful? Virtuous or manipulative? Christian saint or passive-aggressive princess? You decide. . .)

I’m also looking forward to meeting some Janeites I’ve only encountered online, including Sarah Emsley, whose “Invitation to Mansfield Park” blog series has been delighting us since the book’s bicentennial in May.

Although I won’t be joining the official book-signing, which is reserved for conference speakers, I’d be very happy to sign your copy of Among the Janeites if you too plan to be in Montreal this weekend. You’ll have no trouble finding me if you hang out at the Emporium – somehow, I always seem to end up back there, buying a few more books and souvenirs for the groaning shelves back home.

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